Marcus directed his first feature film ”The Break-in” in 2014. The film won numerus awards all over the world and had its commercial theatrical premier in February 2016. After the film premiered Marcus landed commercial gigs for major companies like IKEA, Saint Gobain, NA-KD and many more. ”The Break-in” success at festivals led to securing the financing for Marcus follow up feature ”Faunutland and the Lost Magic”.
During the financing process of ”Faunutland and the Lost Magic” Marcus directed the viral success ”Swedens best Swede” that premiered worldwide on Youtube the 2nd of February 2020. ”Faunutland and the Lost Magic” was renamed for its release and is now titled ”Emily and the Magical Journey” the film was sold to 130 countries including, US, Canada, Germany and Russia. At the moment Marcus is in the later stages of postproduction of the feature film ”Scapegoat” and has just finished principal photography of his latest film ”Frakturer”, both films are slated to premier in cinemas in 2024.
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