

Based between Gothenburg and Paris, Gilda Stillbäck is freelancing internationally as an actress, dancer and choreographer working with film and stage.

Personal data

Age 44
Length 168 cm
Weight 54 kg
Hair color light brown
Clothing size S
Shoe size 39
Playing age 28 - 40 år
Eye Color blue
Physique thin, female, athletic

Social media & Links


Gilda Stillbäck


1998-2001the Royal Swedish Ballet School in Stockholmcontemporary dance, classical ballet, contact improvisation, folk dance, partnering, jazz, composition
1994 - 1997the Swedish Ballet School in Gothenburgclassical ballet
2015 - 2016Blanche Salant in Parisacting for camera
2015 - 2016Jack Waltzer Masterclasses in Parismethod acting
2018 - 2019Prototype, Royaumont - Abbey & Fondationchoreography


YearProductionCharacter/RoleProd. CompanyDirector
2020Ingeborgs Manifesto, Teater Trixter - Gothenburg, Ö2 - StockholmIngeborgTrixterPetra Revenue
2019SonoR, Théâtre de Vanves - ParisCie SiegeAloun Marchal
2016These associations, Palais du Tokyo, ParisPalais du TokyoTino Seghal
2015TRIO, Regionteater Väst - Borås and touringDance Company SpinnAloun Marchal


YearProductionCharacter/RoleProd. CompanyDirector
2020Ingeborgs Manifesto (short film)Ingeborg (Leading)TrixterPetra Revenue
2018Vår tid är nu säsong 3stand in EsterSVT & JarowskijHarald Hamrell
2017Les poupées rouges (short film)PatriciaThomas HocheThomas Hoche
2017Abrazzo TangomässatangodansareSVTchoreography: Gilda Stillbäck & Pino Dangiola
2022The MachineryEva-LenaViaplayActress
2023Detektiven från Beledweyne MajaSVTActress


YearProductionCharacter/RoleProd. CompanyDirector 
2020Svenska spelleading wifeBusiness Club RoyalVerdan 
2020Otinova öronsprayleading motherOddway Productions 
2020Toyota leading salesmanFLX 
2019Gothenburg & Companyleading womanDear Friends 
2017Ghost Artist (documentary)voice overSteven PalmerEdvard Riche & Steven Palmer 

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