Jesper Lindberg is a 24 years old actor from Sweden that resides in Gothenburg. Jesper studies acting at Wendelsbergs school of theater where he recently received critical acclaim for his portrayal as Knut in the production of '' Ingen går fri''. He has also been a part of different film and tv productions such as the short film '' The debt'' and a feature film called '' The whole picture'' which will premiere in 2023. He was recently a part of a movie pitch called '' Fractures'' where he has a dialoge with swedish actor Ola Rapace. Besides acting he enjoys to exercise, play instrument, reading and writing.
Personal data
Age 25Length 178 cm
Weight 67 kg
Hair color Dark blonde
Clothing size s
Shoe size 41
Voice Bass
Playing age 18-30 år
Eye Color Blue-Green
Physique Medium Athletic

Language | Level | Writing | Accent |
Swedish | Native | Expert | Skaraborgska,Göteborgska |
English | Fluent | Medium | American |
Social media & Links
IMDBJesper Lindberg Actor
Year | School | Education |
2022-2024 | Wendelsberg folkhögskola | Theater |
Year | Production | Character/Role | Prod. Company | Director |
2023 | Ingen går fri | Knut | Drama theatre | Emma Landegren |
2024 | Rabarbers | Sam | Comedy/Drama | Frida Einarsson |
Year | Production | Character/Role | Prod. Company | Director |
2022 | The whole picture( Feature film) | Lars (support) | Nouva Monika Wahlgren | Nouva Monika Wahlgren |
2020 | Cant you see me( Short film) | Johan(leading) | GTV | |
2019 | Alex s2( tv series) | Karl (support) | Viaplay | Alain Darborg |
2022 | The Debt(Short film) | Erik | KDALA AB | Anton Björklund |
2023 | Frakturer | Waiter | Pelican films | Marcus Ovnell |