Freelance photographer specialized in performance arts, sports, press and events.
Jonas has lived as a photographer for the past four yeas but has been shooting professionally for more than a decade. He quited his day job to pursue his dream and make a living out of his passion. Photography is not only a job, but also an expression of development. With a motto where nothing is too big or too small as long as the creative visions between him and the client are the same.
Jonas have shot the biggest rock stars in the world, speakers that are considered to be rock stars in their genre, comedians/podcasters, marathons and OCR.
Ålder 39
Språk | Nivå | Skrift | Accent |
Swedish | Native | Native | Skånska |
English | Advanced | Advanced |
Driving license: B. Acting: Improvisation, theater, short movies.Jonas Persson
År | Skola | Utbildning |
2009 | Malmö University | Praktisk Filmkurs I |
2010 | Malmö University | Praktisk Filmkurs II |
2012 | Jönköping University | Fotografi - Visuell Kommunikation |
2014 | Jönköping University | Digital Bildbehandling |
2014 | Malmö University | Den Fotografiska Bilden |